Moving Beyond Traditional Content Marketing with the University of East London

An illustration of content marketing.

In the rapidly evolving landscape of higher education marketing, traditional methods of attracting prospective students are no longer sufficient. While content marketing remains a cornerstone of any successful marketing strategy, educational institutions must go beyond simply producing functional informational content such as testimonials, event coverage and printed publications to truly engage with our target audiences.

The University of East London (UEL) has long been dedicated to portraying our unique blend of educational excellence and vibrant community spirit through content marketing. With a messaging focus on careers, community and location, UEL constantly seeks innovative ways to engage with prospective students and stakeholders beyond conventional content strategies. In this article, I explore three recent content marketing initiatives and strategies employed by the content marketing team at the University of East London to engage with three core audiences: Gen Z, Mature Audience and Gen Alpha.

The University of East London aims to lead the way in content marketing and to create meaningful connections and lasting impressions beyond standalone content projects. All these content initiatives have taken inspiration from brands beyond the sector and pushed the boundaries in higher education content marketing, won several industry awards and achieved impressive results for UEL.


WhereNext: A Journey through East London

Recognising the need to highlight our extraordinary location and the abundance of opportunities in east London, we embarked on a bold journey alongside a digital agency to create an immersive online platform with rich, authentic storytelling at the heart of it, to showcase east London through the eyes of our students.

After in-depth research with our target demographics (international students, mature and gen Z), the "WhereNext?" platform emerged as a groundbreaking initiative, offering users an interactive map to explore the diverse cultural tapestry of the region.

Early in the project, we realised collaboration was the key to success as we could better represent the area alongside other cultural institutions, businesses, outdoor locations, and our students. We forged strong partnerships with the aim of celebrating our location and highlighting the rich and diverse history, innovation, and creativity in east London. This also meant that the WhereNext platform would be more than just a recruitment tool and serve as a handy guide by east Londoners for east Londoners.

WhereNext has surpassed expectations, driving unprecedented levels of engagement and interaction. With over 85,000 content views and a 72% increase in campaign page views year-on-year, the platform has become a beacon of innovation and creativity in higher education marketing. Moreover, its impact extended beyond recruitment goals, strengthening community ties and raising east London's profile both locally and nationally.


Woodland Tribe Collaboration: Content for Community Connection

This low budget content marketing initiative leveraged the power of User Generated Content by prioritising experiential learning, community engagement, and authenticity for lasting impact and relevance.

In a post-pandemic world where many Gen Alpha children were deprived of peer-to-peer connection and group experiences, we wanted to give back to our local community through a free, immersive event that embodied UEL’s values. Research showed us that Gen Alpha seeks hands-on experiences and creativity.

We decided to celebrate our 125th anniversary through a collaborative project working alongside Woodland Tribe, a not-for-profit CIC dedicated to promoting the adventure playground movement in the UK. They offer a unique approach to children's agency, construction, and co-production, empowering both children and adults to build extraordinary structures and play spaces.

The event went beyond content in that it offered practical skills for our community and offered a free educational experience during a cost-of-living crisis. However, user-generated content from the event exceeded 120,000 in reach due to local community groups promoting the event, unprompted, on their own channels.

The event catered for 750 community members and achieved a more than 100% increase in attendance from projections and ticket sales. This initiative highlights that creative content projects can not only help strengthen brand awareness but also authentically engage with the community and offer a meaningful experience.

Mob Kitchen Partnership: Entertainment through Branded Content Series

Everywhere we turn, we are bombarded with ads, from billboards on our daily commute to interactive screens on the London Underground system, sponsored posts, Spotify ads, and loads more. It’s no surprise that consumers have become increasingly sceptical and blind towards traditional advertising. To counteract this, at the UEL, we embarked on an ambitious and creative content project to showcase our brand values through a groundbreaking Branded Content series.

This series aimed not only to communicate our brand identity but also to reach a broader audience, particularly targeting a Gen Z demographic, through compelling storytelling, market research, educational content, and strategic influencer partnerships.

Our strategy was rooted in the understanding that modern consumers, especially Gen Z, prefer to engage with content rather than traditional advertising. With over 90% of the demographic preferring to find out about products and services through content, we knew we had to cut through the noise of the crowded marketing landscape with something different and innovative.

Collaborating with renowned brand, Mob Kitchen, known for its easy-to-cook recipes tailored for students, we created engaging content that resonated with our globally diverse student population. By featuring emerging Gen Z influencers and exploring topics ranging from student life to diversity, we aimed to entertain and educate simultaneously.

The results were nothing short of phenomenal. Our Branded Content series achieved widespread visibility across various social media platforms, garnering impressive engagement metrics and organic reach. For instance, our collaboration with Mob Kitchen yielded our most successful organic post on Instagram, with over 321k views and 3,596 likes, showcasing the power of authentic storytelling and strategic partnerships.

Our content performed exceptionally well in paid promotions, particularly on TikTok, where despite having a fraction of the budget compared to generic ads, our series boasted a higher click-through rate, indicating greater audience engagement and interest.

In essence, by going beyond traditional content marketing and embracing the realms of entertainment and influencer marketing, we were able to not only elevate awareness of the UEL brand but also foster meaningful connections with our target audience. It's a testament to the transformative power of creativity, collaboration, and strategic thinking in today's ever-evolving digital landscape.

Key Takeaways

Through constant evolution, the University of East London has remained relevant and appealing to students, staff, and other stakeholders, reflecting our commitment to adaptability and innovation.

When it comes to success through content marketing, creativity, risk-taking and collaboration remains the key. Higher education institutions must look to content marketing as a tool which can be combined alongside events, digital innovations and influencer or community partnerships. Fostering lasting impact and connection must remain a priority in every content strategy.


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