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Student Partnership and Engagement Conference 2024

Wednesday 13th March 2024
10:00am - 3:00pm
Virtual Conference

The Student Engagement and Partnership Conference will explore leading solutions in how universities can enhance their interaction with students, embed the student voice into delivery and develop a model for impactful collaboration.

Participants will gain the opportunity to understand the latest trends on student engagement, fresh ideas in supporting partnership working and will examine the next steps in capturing diverse student insights that can drive co-production.


  • Explore key trends in how students are engaging with universities

  • Gain practical solutions in designing a model for co-production and embedding the student voice into delivery

  • Assess how to support an impactful approach to partnering and collaborating with students

  • Discuss solutions in capturing the student voice and evaluating student engagement across an institution

Headline Speakers

Jonathan Neves
Head of Business Intelligence and Surveys
Advance HE

Haryati Mohammed
Equality & Liberation Officer
Leeds University Union

Dr Michelle Morgan
Dean of Students
University of East London

Ciara Meehan
Dean of Students
University of Galway


10:00 am

Chair’s Welcome Address


Emily Parkin
Student Experience and Enhancement Manager
Northumbria University (CONFIRMED)

10:10 am

UK Engagement Survey: What We Know on Engagement and How to Respond

  • What engagement looks like across modes of delivery and across demographics

  • The core barriers to robust student engagement and how touchpoints are evolving

  • The tools for success in delivering interventions that drive engagement


Jonathan Neves
Head of Business Intelligence and Surveys

10:35 am

Break and Networking

11:00 am

Building a High Impact Approach to Student Partnership and Collaboration

  • Exploring the partnership between universities and student representatives and how collaboration can be enhanced

  • Harnessing the student voice and representation to drive an improved student experience

  • Breaking down barriers between an institution and the university community

  • Developing a robust approach to scrutiny, accountability and delivering change

  • Assessing examples of effective collaborative practice across the sector and where development is needed


Haryati Mohammed
Equality & Liberation Officer
Leeds University Union (CONFIRMED)


Dr Michelle Morgan
Dean of Students
University of East London (CONFIRMED)


Dan Shaffer
Director of Academic and Student Services & Academic Registrar
Royal Agricultural University (CONFIRMED)

11:50 am

Student Partnership Working in Practice: Reviewing Reach and Effectiveness

  • How to review the reach and impact of partnerships with your student community

  • Exploring approaches to developing the diversity of your student voice

  • Examining models of partnership working and how you can harness the student voice to deliver real change


Emily Parkin
Student Experience and Enhancement Manager
Northumbria University (CONFIRMED)

12:20 pm

A Model for Co-Production in Enhancing Course Delivery

  • Understanding evolving student needs in designing a curriculum

  • Consulting with students in authentic assessment and the usage of generative AI

  • How to translate student feedback into practical changes to a course


Ash Odedra
Student Experience Manager
The Open University (CONFIRMED)

12:50 pm

Lunch and Networking

1:40 pm

Understanding the Student Voice and Supporting Meaningful Engagement

  • Capturing the student voice to deliver meaningful insight on the student experience

  • Developing effective channels to “listen “ to the student voice in real time

  • Processing what we hear - “Seek first to understand”

  • Respond with targeted communications, initiatives and services – let students know we listen and understand


Josephine Walsh
Head of Student Engagement Projects
University of Galway (CONFIRMED)

2:20 pm

Developing ‘Critical’ Co-Creation Practices: Sharing Lessons Learnt and Action Points for Implementation

  • Working on new practices for ‘critical’ co-creation

  • Examining the practical components of an impactful ‘co-creation’ model

  • What works for students in supporting co-creation on a course?

  • Lessons learnt on pedagogy and course design


Dr Gavin Schwartz-Leeper
Deputy Dean of Students
University of Warwick (CONFIRMED)


Ceara Webster
Diversity and Inclusion Advisor, University of Reading
PhD in Geography, University of Glasgow (CONFIRMED)


Lily Rose Fitzmaurice
PhD Candidate in Education, University of Cambridge
Funded by the Economic and Social Research Council Doctoral Training Partnerships (ESRC DTP) (CONFIRMED)

2:40 pm

Engaging with Student Voices from Across Diverse Identities and Backgrounds

  • Approaches to capturing the voice of students from underrepresented backgrounds

  • What does it take to reach students from a diverse range of backgrounds?

  • How do we ensure approaches to feedback and course design respond to the experiences of diverse identities?


Ashley Storer-Smith
Student Voice Manager
University of Nottingham Students'​ Union (CONFIRMED)

Conference Close

3:00 pm

* Programme subject to change



This event is designed for all professionals concerned with student engagement, partnership and co-production. Those in attendance will include:

  • Directors of Academic Services

  • Director of Student Experience

  • Directors of Teaching and Learning

  • Student Voice and Representation Leads

  • Heads of Student Success

  • Heads of Student Services

  • Heads of Student Voice

  • Heads of Student Engagement

  • Pro Vice Chancellors


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Events Coming Up

12 March

Premium Lunchtime Webinar: Developing Your Peer Learning Practice to Enhance Educational Experience

14 March

Clearing Action Day 2024