Webinar: Surviving (and Building on) REF - The Glasgow Perspective

An image of a figure looking through a pair of binoculars while stood on top of a pile of books.

In this webinar, Rose Marie Barbeau (Head of Research Impact and Engagement, University of Glasgow) speaks on the topic of ‘Embedding Impact Literacy and Support from Scratch’, describing the creation and development of Glasgow’s impact support strategy, the importance of collaborative working across disciplinary and College boundaries, the importance of senior buy-in, how to integrate supportive funding schemes into impact literacy efforts, and how to use REF as a driver for positive culture change in the impact arena.


About Rose Marie Barbeau

Rose-Marie Barbeau joined the University of Glasgow (UofG) in early 2012 initially to coordinate the impact element of the University's REF2014 submission. Now as Head of the Research Impact & Engagement team and part of the leadership team of the University’s Research Services, she works to embed and embody the values-driven approach to impact and engagement that is advocated in the UofG research strategy. She works with a network of colleagues across disciplines to embed impact literacy at all levels of seniority and coordinate support and funding mechanisms for early engagement and impact planning. For her sins in a past life, she also continues to coordinate preparation and submission of REF impact submissions. 


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