Marketing and Admissions Simon Fairbanks, Head of Community Engagement, Pickle Jar Communications Marketing and Admissions Simon Fairbanks, Head of Community Engagement, Pickle Jar Communications

How to Reduce Your Digital Carbon Footprint: A Guide for HE Professionals

We often take efforts to reduce the amount of paper we use, yet digital content also has a carbon footprint. This article offers guidance on how HE professionals reduce their digital carbon footprint.

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Marketing and Admissions Charlotte Renwick (Director, Marketing, Recruitment & Admissions) and (Director, International Recruitment & Partnerships), Leeds Beckett University Marketing and Admissions Charlotte Renwick (Director, Marketing, Recruitment & Admissions) and (Director, International Recruitment & Partnerships), Leeds Beckett University

How We Communicate with International Applicants Matters Now More Than Ever

Marketing leaders at Leeds Beckett University share their steps to success for making international prospective students feel welcome and supported throughout the decision making process.

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