Graduate Employability Fiona Cobb, AGCAS Data Insights Director and Research and Data Manager, The Careers Group, University of London Graduate Employability Fiona Cobb, AGCAS Data Insights Director and Research and Data Manager, The Careers Group, University of London

Employability Through the Student Lifecycle: Encouraging Early Career Planning

Students want careers to be threaded throughout their course, so how do we encourage early engagement with careers education, and sustain this throughout the student lifecycle?

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Widening Participation Ira Hakim, All of Us Programme Manager, The Unite Foundation Widening Participation Ira Hakim, All of Us Programme Manager, The Unite Foundation

How to Support your Care Experienced and Estranged Students this Christmas: A Practical Guide for all HE Staff

This blog gives practical advice on how HE professionals can make small changes that can massively support, and be inclusive of, estranged and care experienced students during the winter period and Christmas break.

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Student Experience & Satisfaction Ioana Enany, Head of Student Conduct and Compliance, St George's University of London Student Experience & Satisfaction Ioana Enany, Head of Student Conduct and Compliance, St George's University of London

7 Tips for Enhancing the Quality of Sexual Misconduct Investigations in Universities

Ioana Enany has developed a toolkit and training programme for university staff investigating sexual misconduct. She shares her top tips for conducting investigations.

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