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AI and Academic Integrity: What Next?

Wednesday 10th July 2024
9:30am - 3:20pm
Virtual Conference

This practice-led Conference will offer the latest solutions for universities exploring how they can manage the challenges generative AI presents to academic integrity.

Building on the latest research, attendees will explore approaches to identifying AI-led academic misconduct, how to document, process and investigate breaches of integrity and examine what really works in preventing inappropriate use of generative AI.

The Conference will also assess what the age of ‘post plagiarism’ looks like in higher education and how universities will need to rethink approaches to course delivery and assessment as generative AI becomes further entrenched.


  • Learn how to approach AI-led misconduct

  • Explore the limitations of AI detection tools and how to build an evidence base in cases of malpractice

  • Gain insights on redesigning assessment practices to reflect the realities of generative AI’s development

  • Examine what is working on the ground in universities to support a preventative approach that teaches students the value of academic integrity

  • Analyse what the ‘post plagiarism’ era means for universities and how they should respond

Headline Speakers

Dr Fawad Khaleel
Head of Global Online
Business School of Edinburgh Napier University

Professor Karen Heard-Lauréote
Principal Consultant in the Enhancement of Educational Practices

Professor Mary Davis
Academic Integrity Lead and Professor (Student Experience)
Oxford Brookes University


9:30 am

Chair’s Welcome Address


Professor Janice Kay CBE
Director, Higher Futures
Special Advisor to Vice Chancellor, University of Exeter (CONFIRMED)

9:40 am

Maintaining Academic Standards Amid the Proliferation of Generative AI: What Next?

  • The state of academic integrity: the challenge generative AI is posing for the sector

  • Designing policy and practices that are fit for the age of Gen AI

  • Collaborating with students to develop support, build AI literacy and demonstrate the value of academic integrity

  • Enhancing approaches to identifying and detecting misconduct through AI

  • Reimagining course delivery, teaching and assessment to ensure rigour in academic standards


Ailsa Crum
Director of Membership, Quality Enhancement and Standards

10:10 am

Exploring the Opportunities on AI and Academic Integrity

  • Key challenges brought by AI in Academic Integrity

  • What should be we assess in the AI context?

  • What are the key opportunities for academic colleagues and students to address Academic Integrity in the context of AI?


Professor Yanguo Jing
Dean and Professor in AI
Leeds Trinity University (CONFIRMED)

10:40 am

Break and Networking

11:00 am

The Growth of AI and Academic Misconduct: The Cost of Processing, Preparing and Investigating

  • Approaches on assessing originality for academic departments

  • Why most institutions won’t use unproven AI detection software

  • The mounting resources and costs in tackling cases of suspected misconduct through AI platforms

  • The administrative burden posed by mounting evidence and developing the case for an investigation

  • Understanding where the growth in misconduct exists and the form of assessments where it is most prolific

  • Action points for academic leaders in managing costs on AI-driven misconduct and rethinking provision to reduce occurrences


Dr Fawad Khaleel
Head of Global Online
Business School of Edinburgh Napier University (CONFIRMED)

11:30 am

Assessment Security: How to Redesign Assessment in the Age of Generative AI?

  • The risks to assessment security and how traditional assessment forms are being compromised

  • How to develop a new approach to allow students to demonstrate their skills and knowledge, not their ability to use Chat GPT

  • What constitutes a meaningful measure of learning in the generative AI age?

  • Building staff’s understanding of AI’s capabilities and how assessment security can be breached

  • How do we design a new approach to assessment that mitigates risks from generative AI?


Professor Phil Newton
Professor of Medicine and Lead, Evidence-Based Education
Swansea University (CONFIRMED)

12:00 pm

Beyond Detection: What it Takes to Build an Effective Evidence Base for Successful Investigations?

  • Supporting a culture of integrity around detection, decisions and documentation

  • The tools needed for effective reporting: does an academic have the time and will to report suspected AI-led plagiarism?

  • Understanding what evidence is needed to prove academic misconduct and how a department can build an evidence base

  • Designing a structure for fair investigations based on clear documentation of AI misconduct

  • The practical questions for departments in improving their documentation and investigation processes


Dr Irene Glendinning
Academic Integrity Lead
Coventry University (CONFIRMED)

12:30 pm

Break and Networking

1:10 pm

Understanding the Limitations on AI Detection and How Institutions Should Respond

  • Why AI text detectors will become redundant

  • The inaccuracies and uncertainties in developing real conclusions on AI detection

  • How do we detect AI usage beyond software tools?

  • The resources and skills needed to effectively identify and investigate inappropriate use of AI


Robin Crockett
Academic Integrity Lead
University of Northampton (CONFIRMED)

1:30 pm

Championing Academic Integrity in the Age of Artificial Intelligence (AI): Warwick Business School's Approach

  • The principles that guide us: reacting to AI 

  • Students as partners: engaging students in a debate

  • AI and assessment design: recognising AI is here to stay

  • Dealing with real-life cases: detection and evidence gathering


Dr Anna Michalska
Academic Integrity Lead
University of Warwick, Warwick Business School (CONFIRMED)

1:50 pm

Break and Networking

2:10 pm

Bringing Equality, Diversity and Inclusion to Academic Integrity in the Age of AI

  • Co-creating shared understandings of academic integrity and ethical use of AI in academia 

  • Developing academic practices which are appropriate and adaptive to the 'post plagiarism' era

  • Integrating equitable practices for access to resources to arrest, not encourage, digital gaps 

  • Embed culturally responsive inputs from diverse stakeholders to create/review academic integrity policies


Dr Patrick Harte
Head Taught Postgraduate Programmes
Edinburgh Napier Business School (CONFIRMED)

2:30 pm

Tackling Academic Misconduct on the Ground: What Really Works?

  • Responding to the new realities of ‘hybrid writing’ and the integrating of AI into most platforms

  • Building awareness and collaborating with students to set clear parameters on the usage of AI

  • Determining what constitutes misconduct and designing processes to document and investigate malpractice

  • How can practitioners meaningfully prevent and deter AI-led misconduct?


Dr Stephen Gow
Leverhulme Research Fellow on Student use of AI
Edinburgh Napier University (CONFIRMED)


Professor Karen Heard-Lauréote
Principal Consultant in the Enhancement of Educational Practices (CONFIRMED)


Professor Mary Davis
Academic Integrity Lead and Professor (Student Experience)
Oxford Brookes University (CONFIRMED)


Dr Steph Allen
Principal Academic in Learning Development and Academic Integrity
Bournemouth University (CONFIRMED)

Conference Close

3:20 pm

* Programme subject to change



This Conference is designed those engaged in academic integrity, assessment and teaching delivery. Those in attendance will include:

  • Provosts

  • Deans

  • Pro Vice Chancellors

  • Course Leads

  • Lecturers

  • Academic Integrity Leads

  • Heads of Academic Conduct

  • Directors of Teaching and Learning

  • Heads of Teaching and Learning

  • Heads of Quality Assurance

  • Heads of Faculty or Department


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£395 + VAT

Attendance to AI and Academic Integrity

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